Friday, November 21, 2008

Character: Du Hai's Mother & Cairman Jin
Student Name: Arnavi R

Du Hai's Mother
1. Question:
What was your role in your neighborhood?
Answer: I was my neighborhoods former party secretary(page #144-145)

Chairman Jin
2. Question:
Why was Ji-Li not allowed to participate in the exhibition?
Answer: Ji-Li was not allowed to participate in the exhibition because she had hesitated when being asked if she wanted to break relationship with her black family, so she still remained a black whelp. A black whelp was a child of a person who was either a rightist or a landlord relative and landlords and rightists were classified as people who went against chairman mao, the cultural revouloution and/or chairman mao's other campaigns. (page #228)

3. Question: did you like Ji-Li,s speech ?
Answer:yes i did like Ji-Li's exhibition speech it was very emotional and described the meanness of landlords before the cultural revolution very well.but i also thought she should have made it better by including one of chairman Mao's quotes or sayings in the end so that the speech would end on an inspiring note. (page #221-222)